The norwegian school system

Kindergarden/ daycare

Children from 1-5 can go to kindergarden. Parents can choose if they want their kids in kindergarden, but most kids go. The children are staying in the kindergarden when their parents go to work. Unlike the rest of the schoolsystem in Norway, it costs money. The kindergardens often focus on nature, health and friendship.

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The mandatory years

After kindergarden, you start going to school. In Norway it is mandatory with 10 years of schooling. The first school you go to is called barneskole, meaning "childrens school". You go to the school for 7 years (from 6 to12 years old).

When you go to 1-4 grade, you can go to SFO. SFO is a place (in the school building/area) the kids can be before and after  the schoolday, when the parents are at work. This costs money.

After "childrens school" we go to ungdomskolen, meaning "teenagers school" for three years (13-16 year olds).

Unlike the school in many other countries, we stay with the same "class" allmost the whole schoolday, in these ten years years (chainging them once or twice). I, for example, go to 9a. 9a has its own classroom and the teachers come to us for the lessons. The only exeptions is when we learn foregin languages (spanish, german or french), and electives (intarnational cooperation, media and komunication, fysical activity and health, sience or preforming arts). When we have these chosen classes, we have lessons with other peers from school than we usually go to class with.

All students in Norway gets free help from a teatcher with their homework, after school.
Kids and teenagers with particular problems or learning disabilities has the right to get  free extra help and tudoring.

High school/ upper secondary school

After the mandatory years, most people go to videregående skole. In videregående you can choose between different schools, with different programs. Some of them will lead you directly to a profession, and some of them will prepare you for college or further education.     Picture from:

Written by Ylva (15), Oslo, Norway

4 kommentarer:

  1. That is very interesting. Our school sytems are very different. We have elementary school where we pretty much stay in one class the whole day. When we get to the 6th-8th grade age we go to junior high. Junior high and high school are alike in many ways we one example is that we have different teachers for different subjects.

  2. In America, like you, we start out in kindergarten, but we start kindergarten at age 5. After kindergarten we go to elementary school from first grade to eighth grade. Ages 6-14. After elementary school we go to high school for grades ninth through twelfth. Ages 15-18.

  3. In America, we got to kindergarten when we are 5. Then we go to elementary school which is 1st through 8th grade. We have very different school systems.

  4. Your school system is very different from ours. We start to go to school in Preschool/Kindergarten (when we are 5 years old) through 12th grade when we are 18 years old.
