How to Be a True Norwegian (the stereotype)

Have you ever woken up one day thinking; "Oh!,I wonder how it would have been to be a typical Norwegian?" Probably not. But anyway here is how to become a true Norwegian (the stereotype).
-First you have  to be able to go cross country skiing and downhill skiing:

-You have to eat Tex mex taco as Friday dinner and frozenpizzza «Grandiosa» for dinner on Saturday:

                                                        (Btw, Grandiosa tastes just like the packaging)
-You have to eat these meals in your everyday life:
Breakfast:                Lunch:                 Dinner:

-You have to either love or hate Petter Northug (Cross country skier):

-You have to own or at least want apple products. Use these product up to three hours a day;)

-You have to think Petter Solberg quotes are hilarious: 
  “I had bad pigs in my dekk”
 “When i keim around the corner, it all went to Hælvette” 
”I came with a great fart and dishappered as a prikk in the sky”
“I’m slædding utafor the kænt”
 “I dont know what it call’d on english , but on norsk we call it aircondision”

-You have to own a “mariusgenser” and a “bunad”:


-You have to watch winter sports every weekend,(most likely cross country skiing):

-When your are 19 years old and celebrating that you will be graduating from high school you have to be "russ", driving around partying in busses that you have bought and decorated together with your friends. This is celebrated on and before our national day (17th may).

-Norwegians do not usually talk  to strangers so if you want to mees somebody, start skiing and you will be good.

-When easter comes around follow these steps:
  1. Go to a cabin far away from the city into the mountains.
  2. Go on a skiing trip, after a while take a brake to eat oranges and the chocolate "kvikk lunsj"  while you drink "Solo".
  3. Pretty standred,  but find easter eggs and eat all the candy inside.

-If you are socialising and run out of things to talk about just complain about the weather.

-You have to love hiking in the mountains.

-You have got to celebrate our national day 17th of may, just wave a Norwegian flag and smile, and you will be good.

-You have to think that every thing about Norway is a lot better than Sweden. That is the most important thing you need to know.

What do you know about Norway?
Did this inspire you to go to Norway?

Written by Hedda

12 kommentarer:

  1. In America we are stereotyped too. Some people think that all Americans are people who are rednecks. Some people are rednecks, but not everyone. Are there certain types of people who are stereotyped in Norway too?

    1. Yes absolutely it depends on where your from and your accent. we also have alot of rednecks;)

  2. Only 3 hours on your technology, we American's use our technology all the time. What is russ? Why don't Norwegians like talking to strangers?

  3. Why do you have to think Norway is better than Sweden? Why does everybody like cross country skiing so much? It seems that you all spend a lot more time out doors than the Americans.

    1. Norwegians like to think that Swedes are stupid and we have a lot of jokes about them. It is very intern. I think the reason why we like cross country skiing so much is because we are so GOOD at it! haha. If we spend more time out doors depends.

  4. Why do you have to think Norway is better than Sweden? Why does everybody like cross country skiing so much? It seems that you all spend a lot more time out doors than the Americans.

  5. I feel like this article is well written. The question "Did this inspire me to go to Norway?" It honestly did! I would love to try the Grandiosa pizza. I'm wondering if that's one of your famous pizzas.

    1. first of all thank you. And I'm very happy to hear that my article inspired you. I mean there nothing more inspiring than frozen pizza;) Tasting Grandiosa is on at your own risk. But i warned you.

  6. This is very cool. In our country we don't really have to do or say anything we don't want to say. The fact that you guys have to eat pizza on Saturday's is great! I love pizza. I know that some people in my country eat pizza a lot. Also I know a lot of people who own apple products, which are my favorite!

  7. Why do you think these are the stereotypes? What kind of things do you really like doing? What do you think an American stereotype is?

    1. This stereotype is from my point of view and from my experiences. I really like playing football (soccer). Some stereotypes I know are Rednecks, Valley girl, New jersian, surfer dude, southern and thats about it.
