
“Matpakke” is a Norwegian tradition that means “packed food”.  This is for a good reason, as it is food usually wrapped in paper. Most children in Norway bring a “matpakke” to school, and many adults continue the tradition into their working lives. And if a true Norwegian is hiking into the forest or in the mountains during the weekend
(another Norwegian tradition), you can be sure he/she will bring a “matpakke”!
A “matpakke” normally consists of several open sandwiches (basically sandwiches without the top on), maybe some fruit, and often accompanied by a water bottle.

Some people have the same things in their “matpakke” day in and day out, while others have different toppings every day.
Some parents makes a “matpakke” into a very big deal. They shape the bread and toppings into different shapes and sizes; this makes the “matpakke” into a little gift for the kids to open every day.

 Here is how to make a perfect classic “matpakke”:
1. Cut the bread
2. Put your toppings on (sometimes with some greens on top)
3. Add a piece of dividing paper. Not all people do this, but it is especially practical with sticky toppings.
4. Repeat the process with as many slices of bread as you like.
5. When all of the sandwiches are done place them in a tower.
6. Wrap it all in food paper, everybody has their own technique
7. Eat it!
Even though the traditional “matpakke” is wrapped in paper, you now can buy specially designed boxes (named “matboks”) to put your food into. These boxes come in many varieties, and can be put together with little mini boxes inside. Most schoolchildren have boxes they put their food in.


written by: Ingeborg Feet Nesset

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